Holding Space
Holding Space
Mar 31, 2020
At the center of Cusco, in the Plaza De Armas, stands this statue of Pachakuti, who is said to have built Machu Picchu and the Inca Empire. Pachakuti represents a time of change, when order emerges out of chaos. When the turning over of energies brings back harmony and balance to our Mother and to the hearts of Men. The Indigenous peoples of Peru are the curators of the Pachakuti prophecy which says these changes take place approximately every 500 years. They have been waiting for, and preparing for this time, sharing this prophecy with the world, knowing this is a time of opportunity, and that some things must end to make room for the emergence of our new reality. Step forward, without fear, into this new world being created now. Walk in the path of this new reality now, for there is no going back. We move forward to our future where feminine energy arises, bringing men back to their hearts once again. This is a beautiful time when we understand that we are the ones we have been waiting for. When we recognize our own power to bring the divine through our very beings into our manifested reality 🌈🦙✨🌈🌎 Deepest Munay to All 💖