The Thinking Coach
The Thinking Coach
Apr 16, 2020
BREAKING OUT FROM A QUARANTINE STATE OF MIND - HOW TO THINK STRATEGICALLY ABOUT THE FUTURE From an unknown to an unknown, so we all move forward to the next stage in this onsetting drama. There's no instruction manual, no guarantees, no insurance policy that we get it right because the unknown is currently far larger than the known. The only thing we have is to thinktank our way to a safe breakout with correct usage of thinking/emotions/instincts, which are extremely powerful "earth movers" within each and every one of us...if they are used correctly. When you engage people together in a smart thinktank more of the big picture gets revealed, a lot can be seen that is now unseen, and thus the level of threat that is currently burdening the minds and emotions can be lifted up. THE PROPOSED SOLUTION 3 One hour Think Tank session webinar that includes: a. short-term - stay at home orders are in place b. medium-term - gradual breakout (no vaccine yet) c. long-term - safe to get back to the normalcy of some kind (vaccine available) Each requires different strategic thinking & emotional intelligence to address the needs of businesses and the community. It is important to note, from experience, these sessions are engaging and develop a life of their own, as they address the unknown, so ideas and solutions can appear from nowhere. Let's talk & Stay safe Eli Contact me - click the button below
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