Perfect Solutions Coaching - Psychotherapy, Anxiety, Emotions, Trauma and More
Perfect Solutions Coaching - Psychotherapy, Anxiety, Emotions, Trauma and More
Jul 29, 2021
Here I am 1982 aged 22. Just had my 3rd baby and about to become a single parent... I just didn't know it. Every day I get asked how do you know all those therapies you offer work. Well I see results with my clients and they share wonderful reviews. However more than that, I have used all my methods on myself. I had a challenging childhood, which led to anger at the world, low self worth and abuse, violence and homelessness - several times. But wait - this is the important bit... that doesn't matter now, none of that does. Now I can honestly say none of this matters, I love myself, I love life and my past is simply my past, its now and the future what matters. I'm sharing this so everyone knows, there is nothing special about me. Anyone can achieve this too, it just takes effort and at times a helping hand 💕 So don't ever think you can't have the life you wish for you can, you have to become your own priority and focus and really want it.
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