PERT Consulting
PERT Consulting
Apr 8, 2020
New Post: Major Hurricane Season Predicted - After a destructive 2019 hurricane season, there appears to be no break. Top forecasters from Colorado State University said they expect major activity again this year.DENVER – After yet another destructive hurricane season in 2019, top hurricane forecasters from Colorado State University on Thursday said we can expect major activity again this year. “We anticipate that the 2020 Atlantic basin hurricane season will have above-normal activity,” the forecast said. In addition, there is an “above-average probability for major hurricanes making landfall along the continental United States.” The season begins June 1. Meteorologist Phil Klotzbach and other experts from Colorado State University (CSU) – among the nation’s top seasonal hurricane forecasters – predict 16 named tropical storms will form, eight of which will become hurricanes. An average season has 12 tropical storms, six of which are hurricanes. A tropical storm becomes a hurricane when its wind speed reaches 74 mph. Of the eight predicted hurricanes, four are expected to spin into major hurricanes – Category 3, 4 or 5 – with sustained wind speeds of 111 mph or greater. The group said there’s a 69% chance for at least one major hurricane to make landfall somewhere along the U.S. coastline. The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 to Nov. 30, though storms sometimes form outside those dates. The team predicts that 2020 hurricane activity will be a
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