The Santa Anita Church
The Santa Anita Church
Dec 5, 2019
During this holiday time of year, we sometimes feel we have too many things to do and too little time to do them, winding up harried and hurried. Or, for some, this time of year intensifies past or current hurts and sorrows, and we spend the month in sadness. This month at The Santa Anita Church, we will gather each week to release all of that as we learn how to experience the L-I-G-H-T of the holidays – Living Inside God's Highest Truth. In the Science of Mind Textbook, Ernest Holmes wrote, β€œIn studying the life and teaching of Jesus, the most unique character of history, we discover a few simple ideas underlying his philosophy, the embodiment of which enabled him to become the Christ.” This coming Sunday, we will look at two of those simple, yet transforming ideas, the embodiment of which will illuminate our Christ Light.
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