Tamassios Orthodontics - Orthodontist Nicosia, Cyprus
Tamassios Orthodontics - Orthodontist Nicosia, Cyprus
Mar 18, 2024
At Tamassios Orthodontic clinic Nicosia, we take pride in our work. Not because it's our job, but because we're a an active part of the community. We understand that when people feel great about their smiles, they feel great about life. And that's what we're all about. Utilising the latest orthodontic techniques and keeping up with all the techniques in Orthodontic Science, Dr Michalis Tamassios has brought next-gen orthodontic treatments to Cyprus. Among these are ceramic braces. Also called clear braces, this innovative treatment is aesthetically more pleasing than conventional metal braces. They are made from monocrystalline sapphire and are tooth-coloured, which makes them completely transparent and hardly noticeable. Apart from their aesthetic benefits, their smooth surface and curved edges offer top comfort to the patient. Other than that, they correct the very same dental issues as metal braces and invisible aligners. Ceramic braces take around a year and a half to 3 years to straighten teeth. For additional information on ceramic braces Nicosia, contact Dr Michalis Tamassios! https://local.google.com/place?id=11059982009837820831&use=posts&lpsid=CIHM0ogKEICAgID94eK4owE