Schuster Law
Schuster Law
Mar 31, 2020
Nursing Home Neglect Lawyers in Philadelphia Pennsylvania's strong criminal code makes elder abuse of any form, including financial and emotional abuse, illegal under the law. Unfortunately, nursing home neglect is one of the most common types of elderly abuse. Nursing homes and assisted living facilities can be under-staffed, poorly-trained, and often don't have adequate supervision of workers. Because of that, workers can choose to neglect and provide the necessary care for patients in these kinds of facilities. If someone you love has suffered from any form of abuse, our experienced nursing home neglect lawyers at Schuster Law can be of assistance to you. Pursuing justice on behalf of your loved one can ensure that the facility is held responsible for neglecting their promised duties to their patients. Contact us today for a free consultation. Schuster Law 1339 Chestnut St #500, Philadelphia, PA 19107, USA (215) 848-9200
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