Coach Sonja Shear - Sonja Shear Coaching and Consulting
Coach Sonja Shear - Sonja Shear Coaching and Consulting
May 20, 2020
In response to the uncertainty that lays ahead for many businesses, in an ever-changing environment, we have compiled a new six-week online coaching package, “Leading Through Uncertainty”. This coaching package provides guidance to leaders who are facing crucial and urgent business challenges and will assist you to lead effectively in a crisis. We understand that influential leaders and authentic leadership have never been so critical. While businesses are in a state of upheaval looking at restructuring, re-aligning their workforce, finding new ways of working and trying to reinvent themselves, leaders must make clear and confident decisions amid the uncertainty. In this crisis, it is essential for leaders to partner and work with the right coach. It could mean the difference between success or failure. During our targeted six-week “Leading Through Uncertainty” coaching package, you will gain clarity on how to take your business forward and drive success. By working with an experienced coach, you will have a seasoned expert to bounce ideas off and get objective feedback. Together you will explore opportunities and drive action, and as a leader, you will be inspired to motivate others, even when morale is low. The online coaching sessions will only require an investment of 1,5 hours of your week and will be the most significant investment you can make for yourself and your business. Please don’t wait till it is too late. Book your online coaching package today.
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