Apex Pest Control Leeds
Apex Pest Control Leeds
Feb 3, 2021
There are two types of mouse that are commonly found inhabiting a home: the light brown field mouse and the smaller brown or grey house mouse. Both species are of a size which allows them to get into wall cavities, through small holes and around the house without necessarily being seen by occupants. However, because they carry diseases, they need to be removed at the earliest convenience after an infestation is discovered. Additionally, it’s important to locate the cause or point of entry for the infestation in order to prevent it from happening again. Once on-site, our Leeds team can pinpoint the problem, whether it’s in the roof, vents or doors, and make recommendations which can be easily implemented. To get in touch with Apex Environmental Leeds about our mice removal cost and services throughout the UK, contact us now. https://www.pinterest.co.uk/apexenvironmentalleeds0425/
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