Boston Hypnobirth: Birth Doulas and Prenatal Massage
Boston Hypnobirth: Birth Doulas and Prenatal Massage
Nov 13, 2020
Book a free doula consultation on zoom! If you’re looking for a doula to support you through labor and birth book a free session to interview us and ask questions. We’re building a doula collective and have some wonderful new options as well as some fantastic new doulas who are offering discount rates for certification births. We have two doulas who are certified Hypnobirth educators and prenatal massage therapists, we have birth hypnosis to help you through trauma and anxiety, we have two doulas with extensive movement training who have taught prenatal yoga for years! We can share resources for lgbtq safe birth support, black and brown doulas and networks for women of color, French, Haitian and Spanish speaking doulas and more.
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