Judy Musgrove DBA Cover To Cover
Judy Musgrove DBA Cover To Cover
Oct 14, 2019
When we talk about our Vision or work out our story - it can be daunting and scary. I belong to a team of entrepreneurs who are striving to move forward against all odds and truly be independent and successful. One can argue about "success" but I think "success" is our own interpretation of what we think it is for ourselves. Changing course, moving forward - and being open to suggestions is key. Do you think outside the box? So many people jump on the latest and greatest band wagon to find that it isn't producing what they thought it would. My question to you is this: "Why did you think that doing what everyone else is doing was going to help you stand out ~ produce an income that will start you on the road to independence? I sit back and ask myself this ~ what makes me different? How am I unique? What is it I want to accomplish? And last but not least "How the heck am I going to accomplish this task?" Sometimes, I have to walk away from the thought process ~ the brain cells seem to have dried up - and nothing new comes in ~ Sometimes I take Riley for a walk - an entire change of scenery is what will inspire me - or open the thought processes ~ or I will just go to bed - to wake up in the middle of the night with that idea that I was looking for earlier in the day. Challenging myself is key for me. Doing things differently is key - thinking outside the box and being open to other suggestions and readings is also key for me.