Align Clinic, Green Bay - WI
Align Clinic, Green Bay - WI
Nov 21, 2021
Ankle Foot Orthotics in Green Bay, Wisconsin The Ankle Foot Orthotics in Green Bay, Wisconsin, is the most common ankle brace used by people with weak muscles or damage to their tendons. It helps keep your foot and ankle in a normal position while allowing you to walk without putting any weight on the damaged part of your leg. The Ankle Foot Orthotics are classified into rigid Ankle Foot Orthotics and soft Ankle Foot Orthotics. The rigid Ankle Foot Orthotics consist of hard plastic, metal, or fiberglass shells usually seven to ten centimeters long. This device limits motion at both the subtalar joint and also at the ankle. This type of Ankle Foot Orthotic is made from a group of materials called thermoplastics and can be molded to your specific needs. This Ankle Foot Orthotic provides more improved comfort and fit than the rigid Ankle Foot Orthotic. It allows more movement at the ankle joint, and it has enough flexibility that you can bend your ankle into a walking position or a non-weight-bearing position for rest periods.
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