The Seattle Facial Plastic Surgery Center
The Seattle Facial Plastic Surgery Center
Sep 7, 2021
The neck lift surgery is for persons who have extra fatty deposits in their necks but decent skin tone and aren't ready for a full face-neck lift yet. This procedure combines neck liposuction, manual fat removal beneath the platysma muscle, and platysma muscle strengthening under the chin. This procedure does not remove excess skin. If extra skin is the problem, a full lower face-neck lift is recommended. Just under the chin, a one-inch incision is made, and the skin is lifted off the fat and muscle. The fat is liposuctioned down to the, leaving a 3mm cushion of fat on the skin. Manual fat removal from behind the platysma muscle can also be used to remove fat from the neck. The muscles are strengthened and any neck cords are loosened after the fat is removed. Three to four sutures are used to seal the incision. Drains are utilized to remove any excess fluid or blood, and they are removed one or two days after surgery.
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