Nov 24, 2020
You don’t have to figure out the how. God controls the everything. He controls fish. One time, He told Peter to go to the lake, and the first fish he caught had coins inside it to pay taxes. God controls the economy; He controls finances; He controls your enemies. The scripture says God caused Pharaoh to harden his heart. When you remember who you are, God will cause things to happen. The medical report doesn’t look good, don’t worry; God can cause you to get well. He controls the number of your days. People at work are against you; they’re more powerful, have more influence. God will cause you to overcome. That’s not your battle. The how is not up to you; the battle is the Lord’s. #takeyourlifebacktodayshow #fall7timesgetup8times #nevergiveup #ralffriedrichs Watch "RALF FRIEDRICHS VIDEOS" on YouTube