Rahul Dev Kumar
Rahul Dev Kumar
Aug 7, 2022
Patent Protection for New Products: A global patent protects innovative features of a new machine or a new product by process claims and product claims. The novel and inventive features of a new product or a new machine, therefore, require thorough drafting of the patent application. Once the patent application is drafted, the patent filing procedure can be initiated. Filing a patent application is a complex process that begins with the filing of a patent application. It requires a detailed description of the invention, technical drawings, and a set of patent claims. These documents should clearly describe the invention, focus on new features, and provide an enabling discourse. The date on which the patent application is filed is called the priority date. It is the date at which the patent application will be judged as “novel and inventive.” https://patentbusinesslawyer.com/how-to-file-a-patent-for-a-new-machine-product/ #Tech #Law #Innovation #Business
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