Garuda Health ~ Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine
Garuda Health ~ Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine
May 14, 2021
The Common Cliché of Losing Weight As a New Year Resolution The common cliché of losing weight as a New Year resolution is familiar to a lot of us. Especially after a holiday period of excessive consumption, lack of movement, and excessive sugar intake. In today’s blog I want to make some helpful suggestions on what modern research says about science, what our ancestral past can tell us, and how dieting is viewed through the lens of Chinese Medicine. Firstly, we must tackle the question everyone wants answered. What diet works the best? The answer is (and research is coming to this conclusion) that it all depends on the diet you can stick to. Clinically I have found the high protein and fat diets with low carbohydrates to have the most dramatic effect on weight loss. However, the problem becomes the difficulty in maintaining this diet consistently. There are lots of fad diets and diets for western diagnoses but they too, in my clinical observance, run the problem of longevity in practice. Like in the FODMaps diet you are supposed to avoid garlic and onion. Good luck eating out. cont ... #garudahealth #diet #dieting #newyearesolutions #faddiets #weightloss #chinesemedicine #berkleymi #acupuncturist #healthyeating
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