Garuda Health ~ Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine
Garuda Health ~ Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine
Jul 31, 2020
Garuda Health | Jason Gauruder,RAc Jason has lived and traveled in both China and Japan to see first hand how Chinese medicine is practiced and a central part of healthcare in these countries. He maintains spoken and literate proficiency in both languages and has a love for Chinese characters. Upon finishing a residency at the NanJing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine’s hospitals in Nanjing, China, Jason volunteered in rural Nepal with the Acupuncture Relief Project. In 3 months he completed over 1,000 patient visits in a free primary care clinic for many Nepali who had never received healthcare before. Daily, he treated many types of pain, high blood pressure, and became uniquely familiar with treating parasitic infections with required pharmaceuticals. Jason completed his residencies by working at the largest and most successful acupuncture clinic in the US in order to master the most effective needle techniques and utilize pulse diagnosis in accurately diagnosing and treating his patients.His goal is to make Garuda Health the renowned medical clinic in the state that everyone will want to refer their friends and family to. Garuda Health 1130 Catapla Dr. Berkley, MI 48072 (248)951-8897 Tuesday-Friday: 10am-7pm Saturday: 11am-4pm Sunday & Monday: Closed
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