Pro Motion Healthcare - Physiotherapy & Orthotics
Pro Motion Healthcare - Physiotherapy & Orthotics
Jul 13, 2020
Q: I wear foot orthotics, but I want to wear sandals without my pain returning. What do I do? A: The easiest solution is to find a sandal with a removable insert that will fit your orthotics inside. There are lots of options as many brands are making removable footbed sandals. With this type of sandal, the generic insert can be replaced with your foot orthotic. If you are concerned about parts of the orthotic showing on the sides, speak with your local Pedorthist about options. The orthotic may be modified for a more appealing look in the sandal, but be aware that this is not advised in all cases. Some features may be necessary to keep with the treatment plan. In this case, an additional pair to keep specifically in your sandal may be recommended. Another option is wearing a sandal with built in support. Although these sandals are great options for those with foot orthotics, be aware when you are going to be walking long distances. In these cases, a walking or running shoe with your orthotics may be more appropriate! Contact Pro Motion Healthcare at 705-315-0111 Visit us at