Rays Junk Removal
Rays Junk Removal
Jan 27, 2020
Just read this article about a homeless encampment that @caltransdistrict4 cleaned up today. Looks like it was three 40 yard roll off dumpsters! Bunch of trash and bicycles. Shout out to CalTrans workers that gotta clean these up. These are the nasty and hazardous jobs they gotta do. http://claycord.com/2020/01/27/caltrans-cleans-up-large-homeless-camp-near-concord-ave-hwy-242-in-concord/ #junklife #junkremoval #dropbox #rolloff #dumpster #dumpsterrental #homeless #concordca #hwy242 #caltrans #bayarea #claycord #claycordian #dirtyJob #rayshauling #junkremoval #communitycleanup #motherearth #dumptruck
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