University HQ
University HQ
Feb 22, 2021
Does it Make Sense to Double Major? You may already have plans for your career and plenty of career goals. Maybe you are looking to work in a specific field, but you know you will need knowledge from an intersecting field. If you think you can handle two majors at once, which will take careful management, it might not be a bad idea to double major. You can make this decision by first asking yourself a few questions and answering them in writing to make sure you’ve really thought it through. If you know your upcoming career will be well-served by increasing your breadth of knowledge, or even if you are passionate about multiple fields, then a double major could give you the push to get into a truly rewarding field, but managing the assignments for both won’t be easy. Knowing this, would earning a double major be a realistic goal? Would it be worth all the extra effort? Or, would choosing one field for your major and the second for a minor be more workable? If, for instance, you are interested in social work and writing, it may be difficult to complete both of those as majors because they are so different. Learn About: What is a Double Major? What is a Dual Degree? What is the Difference Between Them? Follow University Headquarters:
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