Davis Lisboa
Davis Lisboa
Oct 22, 2020
STORYBOARD ILLUSTRATION WITH PROCREATE. A COURSE BY DAVIS LISBOA, STORYBOARD ARTIST. Learn techniques to create a professional storyboard for audiovisual productions. Every attractive audiovisual project is born from a good idea, a commercial, a film, an animation or a video for social networks. The work of storyboard artist Davis Lisboa is precisely transforming the invisible lines of imagination into reality, creating pictures full of form and color. In this course, Davis will teach you to create a professional storyboard step by step, starting from the creative interpretation of a script attached to the realization of the traced and colorful design. At the end of the course, you will have all the necessary knowledge to visually narrate a story and surprise all your clients. https://www.domestika.org/pt/courses/1606-ilustracao-de-storyboard-com-procreate/davislisboa https://www.davislisboa.com #davislisboa #illustration #storyboard #procreate #domestika
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