John Burson, Nutritionist and Personal Trainer
John Burson, Nutritionist and Personal Trainer
Nov 13, 2019
HEALTHY EATING TIP: VISUALIZING WEIGHT LOSS GOALS Before you start a healthy eating routine, it is a good idea to have a clear numerical and visual weight loss goal, and if you are toning up, it's equally important. Many people start out with very unrealistic goals, and they usually end up frustrated and disappointed. It is important to know your potential, your particular body type and your attitude toward your body image. Without question, healthy eating requires commitment, and it is hard to stay committed when your goal is out of reach. To help you choose a realistic goal, find a picture of you when you were in prime shape. If you have never been at your ideal weight, choose a picture of a fit celebrity with your similar body type. Believe me, healthy eating success depends on your being satisfied with your ultimate results. So, this step is very important. Let me help.