Jeanne Marais Physiotherapy
Jeanne Marais Physiotherapy
Dec 12, 2019
Most of us suffer from headaches every now and again, but for some people a headache is a problem that just won't go away and keeps getting worse and worse no matter what you do. The key to treating a headache is to understand what is causing it in the first place. The appropriate treatment can then be identified and in many cases resolve the problem for good. In my practice I often see patients who suffer from headaches, so I would like to share the information they wish they knew before the headache even started. I have written a brief article on my website that may assist you too. You can access the article by clicking below. Your health and physical wellbeing should be a priority deserving of quality care. Make sure to discuss any concerns you may have directly with your preferred physiotherapist, so that you can receive the appropriate guidance for your unique situation.
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