The Immigration People - Immigration Consultants & Services Singapore
The Immigration People - Immigration Consultants & Services Singapore
Mar 2, 2020
Amidst all the uncertainty and daily updates that take our hearts on a rollercoaster ride with their fluctuating numbers of infected vs mortality, many have taken the healthcare system in Singapore for granted. Inevitably, some have expected the number of new cases to hover within a certain range and that mortalities from Covid-19 should not ever appear in our newsfeeds. On the other end of the spectrum and in the recent times, we have heard countless stories from Permanent Residency hopefuls and existing Permanent Residents in Singapore – the country’s healthcare system and contingency plans for an outbreak is simply world-leading. They, together with us, are beyond thankful and overcome by awe when we look at the Ministry of Health’s preparedness and response efforts in this outbreak. We have made the conscious effort to decipher the daily reported numbers by WHO – our rate of discharge of previously infected clients is simply astounding! Singapore, a global leader in healthcare, a positive example of how an outbreak should be handled, is and will be in the limelight for a significantly long period of time. Being on a world stage and displayed in such a positive light has made Singapore an even more desired country to commit to for the long term.
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