Skin Renewal Bedfordview
Skin Renewal Bedfordview
Sep 16, 2019
TURN THAT FROWN UPSIDE DOWN Have you ever noticed how you can look angry without even trying to? Yes, those frown muscles can work against all your best attempts to look radiant and refreshed. Here's how frown lines and saggy brows affect the appearance of your face. Our foreheads and eyebrows are naturally pulled in a downward direction by the action of the muscles around our eyes. When we frown, these muscles tend to pull the skin down towards the base of our nose. These Procerus and Corrugator muscles or "frown muscles" contribute to brow literally drooping. In addition, the muscles on the side of our forehead around the eyes, also pull the forehead down. This usually happens as a result of facial expressions such as a smile or grimace. These muscles, are called the Orbicularis Oculi muscles, they are circular muscles and are known to cause crow’s feet and brow sagging. When skin ageing is thrown into the mix along with muscle tone loss, fat pad loss, loss of collagen and the daily repetitive facial movements it can result in rather angry looking features. Thanks to the MD CODES™️ technique of using injectables, we can now effectively eliminate the signs of time give the brow an almost instant and non-surgical lift. READ MORE: #SkinRenewalSA #skin #beauty #aesthetics #injectables #relax #restore #MDcodes #volumisers #WrinkleRelaxers #Neurotoxins #botox #RenewalInstitute