Peace By Piece Home Services
Peace By Piece Home Services
Jun 14, 2021
🚙Don't forget about the garage! Can you park in your garage? 1 in 4 Americans say their garage is too cluttered to fit their vehicle inside. Time and attention is placed on making the interior of our homes beautiful, tidy, and functional but the garage is often forgotten. When sorting through your garage you'll likely find that there are things you can get rid of! The garage tends to be a place where "homeless" items go because they don't belong anywhere else. If you come to an item you forgot you even had.....that's probably a good sign that you don't need it anymore! There are several ways you can clear the clutter and have a functioning garage with a vehicle parked inside, as it should be! We recommend using your vertical space by incorporating utility shelves, track systems, peg board, cabinets or a combination of all of these to get everything off of the floor. #organizingtips #needorganization #garageorganization #peacebypiecehomeservices #getorganized #organizedlife #heloteshomes #leonsprings #organizing #organizingonabudget #cleanliving #peace #garagegoals #bikestorage #homeorganizer