SEO Houston Pros
SEO Houston Pros
Jun 17, 2019
The 4 Major Pillars To An Effective SEO Strategy In Houston If you do a quick search on “SEO ranking factors” that will provide you with numerous answers. There is so much information that is available these days. In reality, although there are probably hundreds of different variables that work together to determine final rankings a lot of information that is offered is only guesswork. And every ranking factor is definitely not relevant for every single business. Website owners need to seriously consider the following four key pillars of SEO: Technical SEO: The extent to which your content is able to be crawled as well as indexed effectively. Content: Having the best and most relevant answers to the questions that prospects have. On-site SEO: Optimizing your HTML and content Off-site SEO: Building authority for your website to make sure the deck is stacked in your favor by Google 1. Technical SEO Although technical SEO might appear to be daunting at first, we are simply talking about making sure that search engines are able to read the content and explore your website. A lot of this will be handled by the content management system that you use, as well as tools such as Deep Crawl and Screaming Frog that can scan your website and highlight any technical problems that it might have. The major areas that should be considered are the following: Crawl: Are search engines able to explore your website? Learn more by clicking the link below.
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