Just Bouquets
Just Bouquets
Mothers Day Bouquets, Hanging Baskets & Patio Pots
Valid 4/1/21, 11:00 PM - 5/5/21, 6:00 PM
Order now for Mothers Day hanging Blooming baskets & patio pots from a family owned Nebraska grower. Ivy geranium Scaevola Mixed wave petunia Supertunias Confetti mix Purple wandering Jew Dragon Wing Begonias calibrocia Candlestick The confetti's mixes with lobelia, calibrachoa, and petunias would be the best in partial shade or partial sun. Confetti mixes with verbena, calibrachoa, and petunias will do well in full sun or partial sun. Geraniums love the sun. Scaevola likes sun. Hanging 12 inch flowering baskets are $33.99 delivered. Each additional basket is $29.99 delivered to the same address. Large patio pots are 13 inches and $35.99..each additional patio pot is $31.99 delivered to the same address. Let me do the heavy lifting and deliver your blooming Mother's day gift...call by Monday, April 26 to insure you get the pick of the plants. Mother's day orders of baskets, patio pots or fresh flower arrangements will be accepted through Wednesday, May 5. Orders placed after May 5 will not be guaranteed to be delivered before Mothers day.