PEAK Physical Therapy - McLaws Circle
PEAK Physical Therapy - McLaws Circle
Feb 25, 2021
March - Back Pain Awareness Month
Mar 1 - Mar 31
A physical therapy clinic near you, PEAK Physical Therapy, is celebrating March as Back Pain Month. Well, we aren’t celebrating back pain, but the treatment of it without use of painkillers and through the use of conservative treatments enabling you to return to your active, dynamic and independent life. 1 on 4 individuals report Back Pain in the past 3 months. 80% of Americans will have a significant episode of back pain during the course of their life and is the leading cause of disability for those under 45 years of age. So with statistics like that, there is a high probability that you or someone close to you has had back pain. What are the most common remedies offered by the medical community? Painkillers? No thanks! Can you say opioid catastrophe? Rest? Well, while one is doing nothing, the body continues to weaken and become deconditioned. You want to be weaker and less mobile while hoping your pain goes away? Surgery? Remember - surgery doesn’t fix anything - just corrects a problem. If your first answer was…Physical Therapy - then you have chosen wisely. Research has demonstrated seeking Physical Therapy for Back Pain prior to those listed has demonstrated being the most cost effective & better outcomes in reducing Back Pain. There is help for you and your pain. If you are NOT living your desired Active, Independent, Dynamic Life because of Back Pain…Come celebrate with us! PEAK Physical Therapy – Where Help, Hope & Healing Lives Within Medicine!™
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