Parkland Natural Health Colonic Clinic
Parkland Natural Health Colonic Clinic
Apr 2, 2020
Scientists from Novosibirsk know how to make coronavirus harmless. Specialists at the Center for the Prevention of Thrombosis found a way to turn deadly COVID-19 into usual flu. Andrei Gromov, the head of the Center wants to share his discovery about how to make coronavirus harmless. Andrei Alexandrovich, do you know how to cure a coronavirus? No, I’m not a virologist, and I won’t be able to treat this infection. But we look at the problem from a different perspective. We know how to minimise the consequences of a viral infection. After all, people die not from the virus, but its complications. If you manage to avoid them, then the great and terrible COVID-19 will be no more dangerous than ordinary flu, and our immunity will be able to cope with it. “What is your confidence based on? You did not deal with patients with coronavirus?”
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