Body Check Chiropractic & Sports Rehabilitation
Body Check Chiropractic & Sports Rehabilitation
Feb 4, 2023 Dr. Matt Tanneberg, Chiropractor, owning and operating Body Check Chiropractic & Sports Rehabilitation in Scottsdale, AZ. 6 Simple Postural Exercises with Dr. Matt Tanneberg for She’s a Full On Monet. In addition to reducing your risk of pain and tension headaches, proper posture can help increase your lung capacity, says Dr. Matt Tanneberg, a sports chiropractor and certified strength and conditioning specialist. “Think of your lungs like balloons. With bad posture, you are putting more and more pressure onto your lungs, limiting how much they are able to expand during a deep inhale,” he says. “Being a chronic sloucher will lead to decreased lung capacity, which in turn will decrease your athletic output.” Good news: It’s never too late to perfect your posture. While purchasing a posture corrector or ergonomic chair is one way to do it, the most effective (and free!) approach is to isolate and train the muscles responsible for keeping you upright. Finally convinced to stand up against slouching? Do we have a routine for you! Stop the hunched-over texting, take a few deep breaths, and get ready to move your body – because here, Tanneberg shares six simple posture exercises you can practice every day to supercharge your stance.