The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan
The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan
Apr 16, 2023
Many customers ask us: "What is the Cambridge Diet? Is it different from The 1:1 Diet?" The Cambridge Diet was the initial name of our brand when we started it in 1984 in the UK. Since then, we have helped countless people in Cyprus and abroad drop weight and live a healthier and happier life. Since the 80s, we've made enormous strides and have a vast, ever-changing diet product range to offer our clients. You can depend on our delicious meal plans and expert Consultants to help you achieve your weight-loss objectives - small or big! Our company and Consultants have won many awards throughout our history, including the "International Slimmer of the Year" 6 times and the "Distributor of the Year" three times. If you want to know more regarding The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan, visit our website. Also, don't forget our blog, which includes delicious recipes, product hacks, and customers’ experiences! #thisoneworks