KTS Career Coaching
KTS Career Coaching
May 27, 2020
YOU SENT DOZENS, IF NOT MORE, RESUMES TO ONLINE JOB POSTINGS. AND, YOU FELT GOOD ABOUT THIS. -So, what happened? -Not even a rejection. -Not one response. Clearly, you need a new approach. So, what is this approach? Consider this: only 15% of all jobs are listed. Amazing, isn’t it. Therefore, you must ‘NETWORK’ into the hidden job market where the other 85% of jobs exist. It is not hard to do. Networking can be easy if you learn how to do it properly. This is where “who you know’ matters. After all, it only takes ONE person who can help get you to the hiring manager. Visit my website in the profile to learn how I can help. #interviewing #interviews #jobinterviews #jobinterviewing #careercounseling #careers #careerchange #careertransitions #resumes #resumewriting #resume #howtowritearesume #jobs #jobsearch #jobsearching #jobsearches #resumetips #careercoaching #careeradvice #jobapplications #resumewriter #covid19 #coronavirus #networking #newnormal #ktscareercoaching #hiddenjobmarket
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