KTS Career Coaching
KTS Career Coaching
Mar 23, 2020
IF YOU ARE A COLLEGE ALUMNUS CONDUCTING A JOB SEARCH OR HAVE BEEN LAID OFF, WHAT SHOULD YOU DO DURING THIS COVID-19 CRISIS? If you are currently looking for a job, it will be different and might take a bit longer. For example, you will have to conduct video interviews. You might use this time continue to network, contact references, update your LinkedIn profile, update/write your resume and work on your elevator pitch, etc. Once these are in order, you will be ready to go when we are on the other side of this catastrophe. Please contact me to learn more. I provide virtual, worldwide career and job search advice. #collegealumni #alumni #uscalumni #covid-19 #collegegraduates #collegegrads #recentgraduates #recentgrads #entryleveljobs #jobsearch #careercoaching #careers #findingajob #jobs #jobapplications #careeradvice #uscgraduates #uscgrads #midcareerprofessionals
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