Feb 10, 2021
We want to share with you five ways to tell if you need a simple refresh or a complete makeover. There’s no better time than now to take a good look at your printed marketing materials to determine if the information they present is accurate and up to date. This especially holds true as we are feeling the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Perhaps your office policies or store hours have changed in response to the new social distancing policies required by the state or best practices suggested by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Company Info Has Changed This is the most obvious reason as to why you should refresh your printed marketing materials. Whether it’s due to new store policies and COVID-19 or even a new website address, if your company info has changed, it’s time to update your materials. Before you do—have you any new information to inform your customers? Perhaps you got a new social media handle, or maybe you opened a new location across town. Now is the time to let them know of the updated info. Your Pictures are Worn and Dated Do the models or pictures in your catalog look like they haven’t been updated since the 1980s? Whether it’s human models who are wearing outdated clothing from another era, or images that look like they’re from 30 years ago, you should really consider updating your photos.
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