Elemental Health and Nutrition
Elemental Health and Nutrition
Jan 21, 2020
MTHFR and Methylation Approximately every 2nd person has an error on the MTHFR enzyme, which is needed to activate folate. Folate is necessary to maintain our mental health, feelings of motivation, optimism and concentration, and also to help us sleep well, repair, recharge, and renew our cells. Methylation involves many other nutrients as well, which are often deficient in our diets. These include zinc, vitamin B12, iodine, iron, vitamin B6, and selenium. All of these nutrients work in harmony to keep the cogs of good health turning. An error in one nutrient can cause poor function of another. Poor methylation can cause anxiety, depression, ADHD, excitatory behaviours and poor impulse control, panic, schizophrenia, autism, chronic fatigue, and many other issues that can affect the mind. Methylation can become quite complicated in some cases, and requires a good level of knowledge to piece it together properly and provide treatment in the correct order. Blood testing can identify nutrients of concern. The “Upgrade Your Genetics” methylation program provides all relevant tests from the outset, which corrects your mood sooner.
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