The Institute for Drone Technology
The Institute for Drone Technology
Sep 27, 2021
Do you have a DRONE TEST & TAG® PRODUCT CERTIFICATION'? The DRONE TEST & TAG® Product Certification Program Scheme from The Institute for Drone Technology™ aims to ensure that drone products bearing the Marks are free from major defects and are safe to operate. Certification will provide comfort to community stakeholders and the organisations themselves, that drone products bearing and certified with the Marks and operating in and around their workplaces or public places have been checked for defects before being operated. Want to know more? We would welcome a discussion with you or someone in your management team about how we can help. FREECALL: 1800 376 638 Question: Who is flying your drones? Drone Induct® and Dronesafe® #dronesforgood #drones #drone #dronetechnology #brand #emergingtrends #safety #testing #testandprotect #workplacesafety #technology #training #droneservices #ohs #job Dronesafe® Drone Induct® Dr. Joel Spencer Jake Andrew #healthandsafety #trends #workforce #dronesafety