Functional Performance Institute
Functional Performance Institute
Jan 14, 2022
Fanwood, New Jersey Knee pain Knee pain is a term used to describe any number of aches or painful sensations in the knee. The pain may be sharp, dull, but intense or located around the front of or behind the knee. Knee pain is most often caused by overuse of the knee during exercise, an injury to the knee, excess weight affecting how much pressure is put on your knees with each step you take, or problems with your ligaments Knee arthritis which causes bone-on-bone contact, is also one of the most common causes of knee pain. Providing you with relief from your knee pain is our goal at Functional Performance Institute – we strive to offer the highest quality services available for all forms of back problems. If you are experiencing knee pain, one of our physicians will recommend the best treatment for you. We tailor each patient's care to their individual needs and work to create a customized plan that will allow you to walk away with relief from your knee pain.
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