Functional Performance Institute
Functional Performance Institute
Dec 31, 2021
Knee pain relief in Fanwood, New Jersey We provide a wide range of services to help people living in Fanwood, New Jersey, who experience knee pain. We offer non-invasive, safe, and effective treatment options that can address different types of knee conditions. Our goal is to help our clients live their lives with less discomfort and more mobility. Some common causes for knee pain are related to arthritis, injury, or overuse. Often, the cause is not easily pinpointed; when this happens, it's called "idiopathic" (from the Greek meaning unknown). Whatever the source for your specific condition may be, we have treatments that can help manage the pain. One of the more popular options now is radiofrequency technology. With this treatment, radio waves are transmitted into a specific area on or near the knee, where they cause a heating reaction that works to promote healing. This increases blood flow and can result in less pain and help restore function.
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