Functional Performance Institute
Functional Performance Institute
Jan 6, 2022
Fanwood, New Jersey Knee arthritis Knee arthritis is a common problem that affects many people over the age of 60. People who suffer from knee arthritis experience pain, inflammation, and stiffness in their knees. This can make it difficult to move around and perform everyday tasks like walking upstairs or getting into a car. The condition can also severely impact one's enjoyment of life, making it difficult to go out with family and friends. Fortunately, there are several treatment options for those suffering from arthritis in their knees, including taking medication, undergoing steroid injections or surgery (including total knee replacement). However, these treatments do not come cheap and can be very expensive depending on insurance coverage. Fortunately, an alternative treatment option doesn't require taking drugs or physically visiting a doctor. The treatment is called telemedicine, and it relies on telecommunication technology to provide people with remote access to doctors for medical advice, diagnosis, and care. Telemedicine involves communicating between doctors and their patients through audio, visual, or other electronic means, usually over long distances. The best part about this form of treatment is that it can diagnose specific ailments such as knee arthritis at comparatively lower costs than conventional treatments.
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