HammerTime Roofing and Restoration
HammerTime Roofing and Restoration
Aug 12, 2021
Good news! 📰🗞 The cost of lumber has & is continuing to decrease! If you were one of the many homeowners that was hesitant to replace your wood shake roof due to the spike in lumber over the last year, the wait is over! If a wood shake roof was replaced was replaced on an "average" sized home of roughly 30 squares (or) 3000 square feet (when referring to the roof), the additional cost for 7/16 OSB would of been over $3500.00! On a roof that size, you can now expect to have less than $3500.00 in 7/16 OSB for the entire job! If you are one of these homeowners referenced above, contact us today to schedule an appointment for your roof assessment & replacement or repair proposal! 🔨 ⏰🔨⏰🔨⏰🔨⏰🔨⏰🔨⏰