Apex Pest Control
Apex Pest Control
Sep 23, 2022
What is the primary reason fleas exist? What causes a flea infestation most likely? Fleas can jump onto the fur of your pet from other pets, wild animals (particularly hairy creatures) including rabbits, foxes, squirrels, rats, and mice, as well as livestock like pigs, or from outside vegetation. What draws fleas to a person? In order to avoid famine, newly hatched adult fleas quickly seek a blood meal. Combinations of stimuli improve the precision of flea host detection. They are drawn to body heat, vibrations, warm-blooded mammals' carbon dioxide, movement in air currents, and the shadows that possible hosts cast as they pass. Fleas will fly towards the direction of the shadow they see. Fleas are also frequently found on an animal's belly, making them simple to transfer when your pet lies down on your carpets, rugs, or soft furnishings. All of the services offered by Apex Pest Control are guaranteed, and we are fully insured. Call us immediately for rapid and effective flea pest control near me. We have more than 30 years of experience serving Sheffield and nearby areas, and we can help you put a stop to your flea problems.
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