Best Feet Podiatry
Best Feet Podiatry
Jul 25, 2022
There are various reasons why people may experience dry, cracked heels. The most common causes of dry and cracked heels include the following: obesity, diabetes, fungal infection, flat feet, eczema, hypothyroidism, and some lifestyle factors ( a job that makes you stand long hours, hard flooring, wearing open-healed shoes, or poorly fitting shoes). Our feet are responsible for holding up our body and therefore they withstand a tremendous amount of pressure. When your heel skin is dry, it becomes less elastic and rigid and therefore more prone to fissures and cracking. We can debride the painful cracked heels. It is painless and most patients enjoy instant relief right after the treatment. This treatment is extremely effective, as shown by the ‘before’ and ‘after’ pictures above. #podiatry #sydney #bestfeetpodiatry #footpain #heelpain #toepain #toenail #orthotics #orthoses #corns #calluse #diabetes #ingrowntoenail #fungalnail #toenailsurgery