Fort Worth Christian Counseling
Fort Worth Christian Counseling
Sep 7, 2020
By Jennifer Salinas C. M. Change your mate change your conflict (part one): Every marriage has perpetual conflict. You know, those things you do battle with over and over in your relationship. They are interminable, and while they don’t have to be deal breakers in a marriage, one too many collisions can breed resentment, the effect of which can be irreversible for some. Most of these types of issues stem from one or both person’s negative sense of self - those things in our mates that were broken in them before you ever met. In legal terms it becomes irreconcilable differences, and many times we choose to move on to a different mate. We can’t change what we don’t acknowledge. Change your mate you simply change your conflict. Join us next week as we delve into learning to live in love even if your quarrels at home endure. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him. 1 John 4:15