Enhance Physiotherapy Wodonga
Enhance Physiotherapy Wodonga
Sep 16, 2022
Do you experience pain in your knee during or after activities such as running, squatting, or climbing stairs? If so, you may have patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS). PFP accounts for 11-17% of all knee pain presentations to general practice, and it typically occurs in physically active people aged <40 years. It is a very debilitating condition in jumping athletes, with previous research indicating that 1/3 of athletes presenting with the condition were unable to return to sport within 6 months. Patellofemoral pain syndrome is a common problem that can, fortunately, be effectively managed with physiotherapy. So if you are experiencing pain in and around your knee cap, you should consult a physiotherapist for a professional biomechanical assessment and treatment plan. Learn more about Physiotherapy Management For Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS)
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