Aardvark Affordable Locksmithing
Aardvark Affordable Locksmithing
Jan 6, 2022
Do you own a Chrysler, Dodge, or Jeep? If so, you may need to have your win module replaced or reprogrammed. Fortunately, Aardvark Affordable Lock Service now offers this is as a service. We’re able to supply you with a new win module, come to your vehicle, remove the old module, install the new module, then program the module to your car. Finally, we must then program new transponder keys or fobiks to the win module to work with your car. Our car locksmiths in Glendale will locate the win module under the dashboard, unbolt it, unsnap it, and install the new module. Then, we will program the module and program two fobiks or new transponder car keys.
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