Addiction and Anxiety Therapist NJ - Psychologist
Addiction and Anxiety Therapist NJ - Psychologist
Dec 2, 2019
What is causes stress? Causes of stress can vary from person to person because everybody has their own problems and their own ways to deal with them. Basically, We cannot specify the causes of stress. Some of the noticed causes of stress are: • Academic Stress(Such As Bullying, Parental Pressure) • Professional Stress(Such as Work Pressure, Loss in Business, etc) • Personal Stress(Such as Relationship, etc) • Emotional Stress(Such as Depression, Anger, Ego, etc) Thinking about certain things can also cause chronic stress problems: • Fear and uncertainty about the future • Attitude and perceptions about life • Not Adapting Change How to find if someone is suffering from stress? Behaviours that we can see in a person who is suffering from stress are: • Social Cutoff • Drug and Alcohol Abuse • Frequent Crying • Higher Nicotine Consumption • Angry Outbursts Seeking help for stress? Chronic Level of Stress should not be left untreated, Especially after the symptoms starts to appear, the First step is to talk to your friends and family about the situation, if possible. Otherwise, you can go for medical help or a stress therapy session. According to the symptoms, Medical help can be useful for understanding the stressors and helps you to plan a way to eliminate them. Psychotherapy is one of the popular methods which helps to solve emotional issues related to stress