Living Grace Fellowship
Living Grace Fellowship
Mar 30, 2021
Palm Sunday What are your Expectations? Series: Maintaining this Hope Whenever Palm Sunday rolls around I cannot seem to help but think about expectations... and we will be encountering that word in various contexts and applications throughout this morning. The historic significance of Palm Sunday is the ‘Triumphant Entry’ into Jerusalem...but what was that? Well, it was nothing less than a hero’s welcome by the Jewish community into their capital city. It also, quite honestly, was something the disciples would never have expected. You see, in the weeks preceding this event Jesus had made His famous statement, “I and My Father are ONE” for which the Jews sought to stone Him to death. So Jesus escaped from their power and made Himself scarce from Jerusalem for a few weeks. He was hanging out on the other side of the Jordan, until Mary & Martha sent word that Lazarus had died in their home town of Bethany - just 2 miles outside Jerusalem...
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