Living Grace Fellowship
Living Grace Fellowship
Jun 9, 2021
The Lessons we've learned...a final review All of this review has been in preparation for a "game night" to help solidify all we've learned in a more relaxed and enjoyable format. That having been said, it has not escaped my attention, the difficulties of turning this series of 6 books into a game. First off the material is just too vast! Secondly, most of the important information is found in life lessons which can be a little more abstract.  I am not ready at this point to forego a game night for these six books, but I am considering it. To be honest I believe the majority of you would prefer that anyway and I hate to push people into something they are uncom fortable with, so we will see. At this point, just walk through these points I've bullet pointed here...have some discussion, try to learn from them and also attempt to connect WHAT you have learned with the stories from which we have learned them. That is really the big point here anyway. Yes I want you to know the truths contained in these scriptures, but the scriptures themselves...the stories the lessons are learned from are important on their own and so it is very good to attempt to maintain a connection between the lessons and the stories from which they were learned.
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