Living Grace Fellowship
Living Grace Fellowship
Jun 15, 2020
Thru the Bible: 1 Samuel 20-25 These chapters give testament to just how darkened a mind can become. Saul orders the execution of the Lord’s Priests and later (in the next chapter) believes God is with him and was handing David, an innocent man, over to him. David continually spares Saul’s life because he believes Saul to still be God’s anointed even though God continues to hand Saul over to him time and again. The relationship Jonathan and David had was a special and pure friendship. Many have attempted to assign homosexual intentions in their relationship but such was not the case. God knit these two men’s hearts together in a covenant friendship where the love one had for the other was the type of love God commanded in His law should exist between all His covenant children. To love others AS you love yourself. That is the exact way these two friends loved each other. When these passages say that they kissed it has the same meaning as it would say in an Italian home. They would kiss the cheek. Contrary to the way it is most often used today, the word kiss in the ancient world was rarely used in a romantic way in literature. One thing seems for certain, David was a man of passion - like Peter and God seems to like passion, though it must be guided by wisdom and tempered by His Spirit.
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